Corporate Sponsorship Management
In order for most associations to be financially successful, it is often necessary they raise funds to supplement the traditional sources of society business income. Those traditional sources of association business income include dues, meeting registration fees, exhibitor fees, sales, advertising and miscellaneous income such as interest.
Most monies raised outside the traditional sources of society business income result from a concerted effort at fundraising. There are three principle sources of fundraising income: individuals, foundations, and corporations.
Corporate fundraising is the one source that raises the greatest concern for associations, mainly because they are concerned that too close a relationship with a corporation may damage credibility and independence. Corporate sponsorships, including “restricted” grants, are used by companies for the express purpose of achieving their commercial objectives. For associations to be successful in corporate fundraising, the leadership must reach a comfort level with the quid pro quo nature of the business relationship. The Rees Group can help associations develop a gift policy, which will protect the interests of the association while, at the same time, specifying incentives to corporations, which will meet both parties’ needs.