
Meeting Planning
The Rees Group, Inc. has a full-service meeting department, headed by a certified meeting planner. The meeting department staff’s considerable experience means precise budgets, well-negotiated contracts, full exhibit halls, and great attention to all the details of meeting planning and implementation.
The Rees Group’s staff offers synergy in words and pictures. Public relations skills combined with professional graphic design means that the associations marketing publications and web pages strongly promote the meeting’s message.
Financial Management
The Rees Group, Inc. adheres to generally accepted accounting principles and strictly maintains the integrity of the financial and accounting processes, records and reports. This system ensures that association funds and accounts will remain separate and distinct from any other society accounts or those of The Rees Group itself.
Day-to-Day Administration
The Rees Group, Inc. will assign dedicated staff as primary contacts for your association. Your organization would never be caught short from lack of staff. The Rees Group, Inc. has appropriate personnel to back up key staff who are out of the office because of offsite meetings, vacation or illness. The Board of Directors and members may feel free to contact any staff member at any time.
Exhibit Management
In conjunction with the association’s meeting(s), The Rees Group will coordinate all activities relating to the sale of booth space for the exposition.
We will develop a professional exhibit prospectus as the primary sales tool. We mail promotional items to appropriate prospects and follow up with telephone sales calls. We continually research names of potential exhibiting companies to improve the mailing list’s effectiveness. The development and maintenance of an exhibitor list is critical to the marketing success of the exposition.
Membership Management
The Rees Group’s membership department provides the following services:
Web/Mobile Solutions
The World Wide Web is the most important promotional tool of the past decade. The Rees Group, Inc. is prepared to use this tool in the growth and development of your association
Communications and Public Relations
The Rees Group, Inc. has a full-service meeting department, headed by a certified meeting planner. The meeting department staff’s considerable experience means precise budgets, well-negotiated contracts, full exhibit halls, and great attention to all the details of meeting planning and implementation.
The Rees Group’s staff offers synergy in words and pictures. Public relations skills combined with professional graphic design means that the associations marketing publications and web pages strongly promote the meeting’s message.
Corporate Sponsorship Management
In order for most associations to be financially successful, it is often necessary they raise funds to supplement the traditional sources of society business income. Those traditional sources of association business income include dues, meeting registration fees, exhibitor fees, sales, advertising and miscellaneous income such as interest.
Most monies raised outside the traditional sources of society business income result from a concerted effort at fundraising. There are three principle sources of fundraising income: individuals, foundations, and corporations.
Graphic Design
The Rees Group, Inc. has a full-service meeting department, headed by a certified meeting planner. The meeting department staff’s considerable experience means precise budgets, well-negotiated contracts, full exhibit halls, and great attention to all the details of meeting planning and implementation.
The Rees Group’s staff offers synergy in words and pictures. Public relations skills combined with professional graphic design means that the associations marketing publications and web pages strongly promote the meeting’s message.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how to get there, and how it knows if it got there or not.
The Rees Group, Inc. understands the importance of the strategic plan document, but realizes the more important issue is the actual planning process.
We work with your organization to put into effect a viable and accurate strategic plan. Development of an effective strategic plan helps to clarify an association’s vision and ensures everyone is in agreement on the society’s future.